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mini sessions for families and the ones you love.

We know you’re busy. We know you’re not in any photos with your kids. So let’s make this easy. Mini sessions galore, beautiful photos, and sunshine ahead.

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we’re the sunshine club!

Kelli and Isabelle are photographers and friends in East Nashville who have been dreaming up a studio that takes the hassle out of family photos and still delivers exceptional quality work.

With a background in wedding photography, advertising, graphic design and publishing (yeah, maybe we’re go-getters) Kelli and Isabelle bring over 20 years of experience to the family photo scene.


kelli dirks

Kelli has lived in Nashville since 2008 with her husband, Caleb, and pup, Chloe. She’s good at making stir fry, starting and re-starting knitting projects, mediocre at kayaking, and bad at video games. But she’s trying.

isabelle selby

Isabelle moved to East Nashville from NYC in 2015 (and 2019…you can ask her about that). She and her husband David can often be found at Cornelia Fort Airpark where their three little boys are most definitely splashing in puddles.


tell “perfect”
to take a hike.

your kid wants to wear a dinosaur costume? cool. we’ll make the sound effects.

running is their only speed? we’re professionals. we’ll also run.

bad haircut? it’s a rite of passage! everyone needs that one photo to share at their graduation.

we’re here for the real moments, so a scraped knee or a pout or two are just tomorrow’s treasured memories.

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 Ready for the easiest, bestest, most funnest family photos ever?

have questions?

we have answers.

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